
HOROSCOPES: You're set to achieve a personal goal, Capricorn.

Natasha Weber is an astrology genius and has predicted our horoscopes for the week beginning June 9. For more from Natasha, follow her on Instagram and Facebook.

Under the Sun’s nurturing influence, your home becomes a hub of affection and connection this week. If you’re wrestling with a worry, confide in a trusted family member who gives straight-up, sage advice. As a sounding board, they'll be invaluable and may even provide a pearl of wisdom. Be open to the emotions that come up—they're not just passing storms but pathways to personal breakthroughs. 


POWER DAY Saturday.

This week’s full moon illuminates a valuable piece of new information. Whether signing up for an online class or exchanging ideas over coffee, you're set to learn something transformative. Remember, knowledge isn't just power; it's potential. Put those insights into action swiftly - they might solve a lingering problem or spark a new passion. Dive deep, learn hard, and use what you gather to push boundaries. 



Watch: Horoscopes in the bedroom. Story continues after video. 

Video via Mamamia.


As the Sun’s visit to your sign comes to a close on Friday, use the first half of the week to solidify your goals for the year ahead. What does success look like for you? Pin it down. Soon, your focus will shift towards money matters, where the Sun’s goodbye sprinkles some luck on a financial endeavour. It’s a prime time to fine-tune your budget or chase down a new income-generating idea. 

POWER DAY Tuesday.


Happy solar return, Cancer! Before your birthday hits, take a moment to reflect on what you wish to manifest over the next year. Starting Friday, with the Sun boosting your personal power, you’re gearing up for a transformational phase. This is your chance to reset and redefine your goals with newfound clarity. And with Venus and Mercury entering your sign on Monday, prepare to be thrust into the spotlight! Step up; don’t shy away. 



You may feel your moment to dazzle is on hold. As the Sun shifts into your contemplation zone, it signals to strategise rather than sprint. This week, focus on crafting a solid plan for success. Dig into the specifics, refine your objectives, and ensure they truly resonate with your goals. Pace yourself and gather all the necessary details to guarantee your next steps are on solid ground. 

POWER DAY Saturday.


Watch the romance rev up under Saturday's full moon in your love sector. Singles, if you've been holding back your feelings for someone special, this is your cosmic green light to express them. Couples remember the importance of little gestures and words of appreciation; they can massively amplify the love vibes. This week, a simple act of kindness or a thoughtful gift brings back the rush of early romance.

POWER DAY Tuesday.


Saturday’s full moon brings a domestic matter to a head. Whether dealing with resistance or having a tough conversation, stay committed to your vision and push through. Clear communication is key—ensure everyone understands your intentions and reasons. Stick with your decisions; persistence and consistency in your actions will lead to a rewarding resolution. For parents, a dose of tough love may be on the agenda. 

POWER DAY Wednesday.


This week's full moon loosens your tongue, leading you to blurt out something unexpected. You might initially cringe, thinking you've crossed a line, but the truth needs to be aired in this case. If you're tempted to bite on your tongue mid-confession, don’t backtrack. Finish your thoughts and explain your position. Lead with authenticity. The response might be more supportive than you anticipate, turning a potential gaffe into a moment of genuine understanding. 



Saturday’s full moon shakes up your priorities, making you wonder why you've sweated the small stuff or chased distant dreams when happiness was right in front of you. Take this aha moment and run with it. If you've had a lightbulb moment about how much someone means to you, don't keep it to yourself. Whether it's a friend who's always been there or a partner who makes your heart sing, let them know. 

POWER DAY Thursday.


The full moon on Saturday brings a major ambition to fruition. After months of effort, you're set to achieve a personal goal, hope or wish. Expect emotions to run high. You've worked hard for this, so let those feelings flow naturally and enjoy the ride. Think back on your journey and give yourself credit for all the grit and hustle it took to get here. Celebrate your progress and savour your success.

POWER DAY Saturday.


For professional Aquarians, a power struggle looms. Don't second-guess yourself; you hold more of the cards than you realise. For others, the weekend is the perfect time to refresh your routine. Consider incorporating a new daily health hack or wind down with a meditation session. It's what you do every single day that really adds up. What's one tiny tweak you can commit to for a happier, more successful you? 

POWER DAY Saturday.


Saturday’s full moon gets your social life buzzing. Don’t sit this one out; your friends are your recharge station right now. Even if you're not in the mood, push through because laughter and great conversations motivate you to feel your best, sparkling self this week. And if there’s a fun event or networking function coming up, you’re in for a treat. It’ll be the talk of the town. 


Natasha is the host of Astrology Coach podcast for iHeartRadio and horoscope columnist for Mamamia. She has guest featured on radio and TV shows, Studio 10, Today Extra and Sunrise Morning Show. In 2020, Natasha received the prestigious AAAC award for her contribution to astrological research. She is a member of the American Federation of Astrologers, and her work has appeared in many prestigious publications. Natasha's hot astro tip is to read your horoscope for your Sun and Ascendant signs to get the most accurate prediction. You can find her website here, her Instagram here and her TikTok here.

Feature image: Mamamia.

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