
'It freshens up your face': 9 things we learnt about Julianne Moore's beauty routine.

It is a fact universally acknowledged that Julianne Moore has some of the best skin in Hollywood.

So when it comes to A-listers whose beauty routines we would very much like to stalk, the 62-year-old is right at the top of our list. 

She's also one of the hardest working, busiest women in the film industry. Set to star in the upcoming psychological thriller, Sharper, she's currently shooting a romance movie, May December, alongside Natalie Portman.

Aaaand on top of all that, Moore's recently been announced as the new ambassador for cruelty-free luxury beauty brand, Hourglass Beauty. Phew! Like we said - busy lady.

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In an interview with Glamour, the actress sat down and shared her entire skincare, makeup and self-care regime - along with the details of her newest beauty venture.

Here are nine things we learned about Julianne Moore's beauty routine.

She washes her hair once a week.

We don't know why this feels so pervy - but it does! It really does. On the hair care front, Moore revealed that she washes her hair once a week - purely because she loves to hang onto her blowdry for as long as possible. 


While most of us probably don't get a blowout on a weekly basis - we're all for dragging out a salon appointment!

"I only wash my hair once a week, so sometimes I can go a really long time with a blowout. And then sometimes I just tie it back. If I really can't get it blown out, I can tie it back tight when it's wet."


She's been wearing the same perfume for 25 years.

Ever wondered what Julianne Moore... smells like? Oh, come on.

The good news? Well. Now we know - because she shared her go-to spritz. 

And, fun fact: she's been wearing it for decades. So you know it's got to be good!

"I've been wearing Kiehl's Musk, the spray, for probably 25 years or something," shared Moore. 

"I just really like it. Every time I try to change, I end up coming back to it. It just smells nice and clean. And it doesn't feel big to me. I really like that."

Just us, or did you also have a feeling she'd smell like fresh laundry? Just us??

She has one specific skin treatment every month.

We all know that celebrities have access to some of the most skilled skin professionals in the world - so, it's really no shock that they're all slinking around with ridiculously amazing skin. 

But seriously, Moore's skin is NEXT LEVEL. So of course we want to know exactly what she does to it and what she puts on it. 

Her treatment of choice? Radiofrequency.

"It's really amazing. It's not cheap, but if you can find someone who does it where you live, [it's worth it]. I know a guy named Fabricio Ormonde here in New York, and he's really fantastic." 

Fabricio, where have you been all our life?!


"It takes some time, it's time intensive, and it's expensive. But it's really worth it. Once a month. But [the] first time you do it, you're supposed to go once a week for six weeks."

"So it's kind of crazy ’cause you feel like you're never leaving the office. But it does make a big difference, and then you maintain it."

Face oil is her MVP.

When it comes to her favourite product right now, there's one particular skincare product she credits for her glowing skin.

"I love face oil. They've been a great game changer because it's just a way of freshening up your face and giving it a little luminosity," she said.


She has a regimented sun protection routine. 

Moore probably has one of the strictest sun protection routines we've ever heard from a celebrity - and we love to see it.

Obviously she slaps on sunscreen every day, but she also actively avoids the sun at certain times of the day - covering up her complexion to avoid sunburn.

"It really makes a huge difference. But you can't just slather on sunscreen and then sit at the beach. You should wear a hat, you should sit under an umbrella," she said. 

"You should expose yourself only at certain times of the day. You can't go to the beach at 12 o'clock. I've actually been pretty lucky because I've stayed out of the sun most of my life."

Take note!

She loves a good soak.

Like, we can't stress this enough - she really enjoys a bath. 

"I love to take a bath. I love baths, I think they're just great. And even sometimes, when I'm working and I know I've got to get in the car at 5:30 [am] or something like that, just taking a quick bath right before I go is a way to wake myself up and kind of feel good and start my day peacefully."

Enter: Speed bathing!

Feeling like you have to wear makeup is BS.

This? We love this. 

"I think that makeup is something that you should want to wear, but you shouldn't feel like you have to. I think it's an antiquated idea, this idea that we put makeup on to cover something up, to cover up our flaws, or to look professional," Moore said.


"You can be professional without makeup. Makeup should be a want, not a need. If it makes you feel confident or professional, that's great. If it does not make you feel that way, then don't use it in that capacity."

"I think that's the most important thing. That's the biggest change that I think we've had in the beauty industry… is that you do it for yourself, not because you feel that you have to."


Hear, hear.

There's one thing she would change about beauty in Hollywood.

During the interview, Moore also addressed beauty standards in the industry, saying she would like to change things so there is "not one way of looking." 

"I think we sort of know that, but we're still reacting to it. I just want women to put things in context… that not everything is the right thing and that not everything is for you."

"And also that a lot of these images are created. So the other night [at the Gotham Awards] when I was wearing that dress and I looked so tall, I'm not tall. I had on huge shoes. The dress happened to look better 'cause I was wearing huge shoes."

What you see on social media takes... a lot of work.

If there's one important takeaway we should all learn from Moore's beauty routine, it's this. 

She said that while she feels most beautiful when "somebody's made me up [especially]", she stresses that it's easy to feel beautiful with the access that celebrities have to people who are "really, really skilled at what they do." 

"And this is one of the things I try to tell other women; it's not fair what you see [because] if I'm made up, and I'm lit, that's half the battle, right?"

What surprised you most about Julianne Moore's beauty routine? Share with us in the comment section below.

Feature image: Instagram; @juliannemoore; Mamamia.

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