
LEIGH CAMPBELL: The life reminders I follow when I need some perspective.

I couldn’t sleep the other night. I was up late scrolling Instagram and came across a post about a beautiful woman who had lost her fight with cancer, leaving behind her husband and young son.

Sadly, there are often posts like that on social media, but that particular one floored me. Maybe because she was a similar age, or her family unit looked like mine. 

I lay awake thinking of all the shattered hearts in her life, and about the absolute fragility of life we subconsciously take for granted from day to day. 

Watch: Being the mother of a son is like someone breaking up with you really slowly. Post continues below.

Video via Mamamia.

I wrote a list of reminders for me to refer to when my head gets stuck in the weeds. And these are my wishes for you, too.

Find something in life that makes your heart sing, and do it often. If you can make money or a career from that thing, fantastic.

Drink the fancy wine you have stashed away for some unknown future celebration. 


Wear that pretty dress you’ve been saving for a special occasion.

Tickle your child and inhale their delicious laughter. 

Image: Supplied.

Call your mum. 

Hug someone long and tight until the oxytocin flows.


Play your favourite song as loud as it will go and sing at the top of your lungs. 

Find friends that make you laugh until you can’t breathe and tears run down your face. Hang out with them more often.

Order what you want from the menu, not what you think you 'should' order. 

Go to the beach, or the gym, or that dance class, or wherever you’re avoiding because you’re self conscious.

Tell people you love them. 

Let cars in front of you in traffic. 

Smile at people when you pass them on the street. 

Wish your barista a good day.

Take the holiday. 

Save for an adventure. 

Image: Supplied.


Revel in the excitement in a lead up to a big 'thing', because that excitement itself is just as much a gift.

Don’t waste your energy on jealousy, for it’s nothing more than your own negativity poisoning you. 

Look at old photos. 

Watch your favourite movie more times than you can count. 

Play sad music and let the cathartic tears relax your body. 

Nothing matters, really. Look into space and realise how tiny we are and how short our existence is. 

We will grow old, if we’re lucky. This life is not a dress rehearsal. We have one shot. Do with it what you may.

Light the 'good' candle.

Feature Image: Supplied

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