User Comments

ilanalouise92 June 25, 2024

@kb123 I agree with you, it is relevant to the story that the individual is trans. Equivolency to Maddie's argument, would be writing an article about a member of the KKK committing hatred towards a person of colour, and then leaving out the fact they're part of the KKK.

In this article, Anna's ideology has influenced her behaviour, as all of ours does.

ilanalouise92 June 25, 2024

I'm so sorry this happened to you. This sounds very painful. I hope your family heals and reunites in the future. Thank you for sharing your story

ilanalouise92 May 29, 2024

@apcmt Why do you only call out that one of the leaders has committed atrocities? This fuels hatred for only one group which has global consequences for all innocent Jewish people. Both sides have committed war crimes, as recognised by the International Criminal Court. Out of interest, on Oct 7th, did you call out Hamas's actions as sickening?

ilanalouise92 March 7, 2024

@holeinthetoad 100% agree with this comment. I remember almost a decade ago my anaesthetist stopping by to check on me in ED in the evening even though they weren't even working at that hospital that day. I had developed a complication 3 weeks after surgery. Their brief visit made me feel so much safer and cared for, and I still think of how kind for them to do

ilanalouise92 December 3, 2023

@laura__palmer No it isn't. It's only harmful if you think there is something inherently right being 'whiter' and wrong being 'darker'.
I myself am not white and I don't think that being curious about what my future kids will look like when mixed with my Latino husbands genes is racist

ilanalouise92 October 8, 2023

Absolutely heartbreaking

ilanalouise92 June 13, 2023

I can understand this completely. It is painful to let go of a dream, especially of children. I think it will be really unfair if you do not respect your partners wishes with his decision on this. I don't think a child who is not wanted should ever be brought into the world