User Comments

andrew.e.burgess.1 July 16, 2024

I was put on Ozempic for diabetes and then found there was none to get when I went to fill my script. Nobody informed me I'd be in that position, the GP  whose idea it was said everyone knew there was no supply and then asked why I'd stopped taking the medication he instructed me to stop, and the pharmacists I polled all said prescriptions for weight loss took away the bulk of supply supposed to be for diabetes. Im back on Jiardamet, my weight is the same, I have a new doctor.

andrew.e.burgess.1 June 9, 2022

I'm left wondering when the patriarchy took over the motivation driving women to use beauty treatments etc to increase their competitive advantage amongst available (and unavailable males) to the exclusion of other women to select the best possible mate they can secure for themselves? I guess in the face of political dogma evolutionary biology must take a respectful back seat.

andrew.e.burgess.1 May 28, 2022

All the shootings in the US are incomprehensible. What community sides with anything let alone weapon manufacturing over child safety? Then, this is also the country where the worst depravity and highest ideals have influenced the entire world more than any people in history, and they are our dearest international friends. Bless them that work against evil like the NRA.

andrew.e.burgess.1 April 29, 2022

@shauna020473 This response is my favourite having suffered the DARVO situation by an ex who afterc10 years of various kinds of abuse and chaos, especially financial and unilateral decisions that were usually missing some crucial feature requiring amelioration, the woman then decided to change her career focus, reinstate herself as a selfish version of a mother, minimise years of my work with kids, and weaponise the entire political and legal process in open collaboration with police fanatics and free legal support at court that saw me thrown out of my home, away from my kids, with most expenses flowing to me while she enjoyed the 6 figure salary in the career she had developed without interruption. Oh and then there was the relationship everyone has tried to conceal and people reverted to relegating everything to 'he said she said', 1800RESPECT hung up on me 3 times, Centrelink staff mocked my attempts to stay in my home, and look after the kids who now live with a mother who apes parental care for her fans and agency scrutiny yet my son has dropped from having an assessed two year delay to a three to four year delay as an objective indicator of the negligence and selfishness of a woman who is absolutely self centred and a talented manipulator. When I became suicidal under the disbelief everyone except doctors dismissed it as a feature of MY CONTROLLING BEHAVIOUR in full flight collaboration with her reversal of reality. The aggressive controller able to openly have an affair continued to this day, walk on soil removed by me to landscape the backyard AND state in court that I was a deadbeat dad who watched TV all the time, and all kinds of other nonsense to the tune of over 90% being similar statements free of the threat of perjury, describes a community that has debilitated and cancelled male contribution even as it reflects equality while at the same time demanding male effort without complaint. I feel I have no choice but to have succumbed to mental illness and confusion rather than continue to struggle in the face of continuous adversity. My children arrive at my place without having seen a bath, in cheap or threadbare clothes, my son on a couple of occasions with the equivalent of cradle cap, and my daughter now wants to live with me but can tolerate a poor relationship with the mother in exchange for being close to her friends  Seems the child focus of the system has all the veracity of McCarthyism and incidentally facilitates toxic narcissistic fantasy.