User Comments

jmulls September 29, 2024

100% agree @pinkplane

jmulls January 25, 2024

I too loved Australia Day, but the older I’ve become, the stories that I’ve heard, the understanding of what happened to First Nations people on that day, I agree there should be a day that ALL of us can celebrate together. There is so much discord around the date (by so many different people), that if we can’t unite on a date for all Australians, maybe we could keep the date, but instead of it being a day of ‘celebration’, it could be a day of reflection, understanding and uniting us all for a more positive future together. The statistics are appalling and we should do better. As I say to my elderly white mother when she says “all those people 200+ years ago are dead, the white people were only trying to help etc…”, how can you judge anyone until you’ve walked in their shoes? How would you have felt, if the dept came and took my brother and myself away from you - because you had two children before you were 19 and living with your family? How would your ancestors feel knowing most of your family were slaughtered - do you think they’d still feel angry or do you think they’d go “oh that was a long time ago, the perpetrators are dead and we’ve

moved on”?! I don’t know of a solution, all I know is I want unity and understanding and for our country to be as one - we all bleed the same inside.

rumbles.pickier.0p August 19, 2023

@amelodyclark when I used to pick my twins up from day care, I’d watch them crawling around and ‘just doing’ until one would spot me… his little face would light up and he’d quickly crawl over, then his brother would see him, then see me and he did the same. These two little ones making a beeline for me made my heart swell and I used to feel sorry for all those who only had one baby to collect instead of two 😁 And you are absolutely correct, double cuddles and twice as nice.

rumbles.pickier.0p August 19, 2023

I totally agree. Though I do like to watch on the Monday to see what they’ll be building, then return to watch the room reveals on Sunday - I can’t be bothered with all the rest. And like others have said - it’s a reno show! I used to watch MKR and I got sick of yelling to the TV “it’s meant to be a COOKING SHOW!” - so I started watching MasterChef and it was SOOO refreshing watching something where everyone supports each other - it’s very uplifting. I don’t care that I could never cook what they do, but it’s the whole shebang of positivity and support that I like about that show.