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amdeyonge October 16, 2024

@kate.ann I wa thinking the same thing. That's a crazy amount of bathrooms! 

amdeyonge October 8, 2024

I love a one piece but they don't make them for those with a longer torso. They always end up right up the ...... and so tight on my shoulders. 

amdeyonge October 8, 2024


amdeyonge September 28, 2024

@spiral I left the industry 2 times because of the same thing, bullying by staff at schools. I still ended up back because it's a job I love and feel like is the best position for me. It's just a shame so many staff members feel it's OK to make others feel out of place and belittle them. I rarely go to staff rooms anymore and eat alone alot of the time to avoid it happening again. Some schools are so bad for it and then you end up with no continued contracts of work if you mention anything to upline.  

amdeyonge September 20, 2024

 She messed up, she's owning it, she's paid for it with her time and she's making better choices. Isn't that the outcome we want? That's better than people constantly reoffending. I don't see anything wrong with her telling her story. We need more of the good ending stories.

Also why are people assuming her wife has a criminal record and shouldn't be allowed to have a Visa? 
Everyone makes mistakes we should all be allowed to come back from them, When people turn their lives around, they shouldn't be labeled a criminal (or stuff up, depending on the mistake) for life. 

amdeyonge August 30, 2024

Similar situation but instead of a BFF it's my brother. He hated my ex while we were together, but oddly decided, upon us breaking up and during years of abuse and stalking, even a court order, that he was then his best friend. I now don't have a brother. Better to be away from it than to hold onto someone who really cares more about a drinking buddy. I'm lucky that I did get every single one of my friends by my side. So as much as it hurts I have people who genuinely love me. Walk away, even when it's hard, because there are better people out there. 

amdeyonge August 27, 2024

Totally understand what it's like to always feel like others are more important. I tried for years and was always there. Now I'm the bad daughter because I put up my boundaries and have more space. Too much time with them was making me feel like I was inadequate and not good enough. My kids were a problem  my partner, my income not as good, my job they didn't understand(as far as they are concerned I should be on a check out and still mention it in my 40s) I was never smart enough. So I didn't cut them off, I cut them down for my own heart.

amdeyonge August 25, 2024

I have friends who switched to only doing relief work as teachers. Less stress and paperwork. And they can say no of its a class they know is too much. It has definitely changed so much. Teachers and EAs are no longer safe at work. Injuries as well as stress is a huge issue. Parents need to be more responsible for their children's behaviour and there also needs to he more consequences for behaviour. Bring back scab duty and detention. 

amdeyonge August 10, 2024

I feel for her. I am not in her situation but I can see how we  all can make mistakes based on how we were brought up, being an automated reaction. I've often stood back and realized I've done something my parents have done. With a brain injury it would be harder for her to see herself from the outside. I think that sometimes going no contact is necessary but also that sometime we need to have all the pieces before we do. Sometimes we need to accept those  that struggle with normal interaction and help them. There can be so many reasons undiagnosed autism, trauma, PTSD etc. Isolating a person can be cruel and unnecessary. 

amdeyonge August 2, 2024

I think that until they are proven guilty the public don't need to know. Why does the media need to be told any of this until a full verdict. Then those who are innocent can avoid the horror of social media and false judgement. 

amdeyonge July 29, 2024

I was stalked by my ex, luckily only for a few years until I got a court order. It was hard to get people to believe me or really take it seriously until my friend discovered him looking through her window(Probably looking for me but still horrifying for her) I changed work places a few times and put up cameras, but I still make sure there are no gaps in my curtains at night. It sticks with you that feeling of being watched. 

amdeyonge July 7, 2024

I was in a financial situation as well in my marriage. Not as sever but still hard. I opened up a secret bank account and saved for years without him knowing and then got out. You need to do the same and have some of your business money go into it without him knowing then leave him. Use a friends address like I did and hide the app on your phone. I really hope you get better help than I did. I ended up having to pay $10000 to a lawyer to get my share of our finances. There needs to be better help for women who need lawyers, and they need to take their fee once the case has been settled or make the ex pay the fee since they are the cause in the fist place. It took me 7 years to get there with abuse, stalking and threats of homelessness. Get all the advice first before you leave. Less stressful that way.

amandayoungajtj June 14, 2024

The fact that he gives family presents and not you says a lot to me. He is testing you and just not that into you. If he did he'd want to spoil you sometimes.  Do yourself a favour and find someone who loves you and wants to make you feel good. He doesn't seem to care about making you feel special. Don't wait until your birthday. 

amandayoungajtj May 30, 2024

This must have been so hard to deal with. She shows great strength standing up for herself with his consistent denial of it being an issue. 

amandayoungajtj May 24, 2024

People find it so hard to forgive when it comes to celebrities.  Everyone makes mistakes they regret later. Sadly for them the whole world sees them. She's a woman who needed support from domestic violence, and it seems controlling behaviour, of course she should get that help. Shouldn't matter who she is. I hope she is OK now. 

amandayoungajtj May 21, 2024

I totally get the hurt feelings. I had a friend cut me off once she got a boyfriend. Seems I was just there to fill in time until she met someone. We were friends for years and she was single the whole time we were friends. From that day I've only heard from her when she's bored waiting for her son to finish some out of school activity close to where I live. Im not interested in being a "fill in time" friend. I can't believe I thought she was one of my best friends. Made me feel like a fool.