
The reason this innocent picture of Reese Witherspoon has everyone freaking out.


Reese Witherspoon is a woman of the people.

It is not often, if ever, that you meet someone who doesn’t find the Legally Blonde actress completely likeable.

But… there is just one thing. There is three of her.

Let us explain.

Earlier today, Reese Witherspoon shared an image of herself with her 19-year-old daughter Ava Phillippe and her mother Dr. Betty Witherspoon.


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We get it from my Mama. #3Generations #Vogue

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The photo by Vogue captures the intergenerational bonds between these women.

But… they all look the exact same.

As far as we are concerned, they are all Reese Witherspoon.

Here are some theories as to why:

  1. Reese Witherspoon time travels and meets up with herself so that her invaluable contributions to romantic comedies are eternal.
  2. Reese Witherspoon was the subject on an experiment with aliens, and she was such a great specimen that the scientists recreated her twice.
  3. They are all related and that’s how genetics works.

Reese Witherspoon’s daughter Ava is definitely her mother’s doppelgänger.


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no one I’d rather hold hands with at a festive tourist trap! ❄️ #reunion

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Last year, Reese Witherspoon opened up about her brutally honest parenting method with Ava.

“I remember Ava crying in bed in third grade — she was on JV basketball and she was the only kid on the team who didn’t score. I said, ‘Aves, maybe you’re bad at basketball.’ She thought that was mean. I said, ‘Mean or true? ‘Cause, guess what? Your mom’s bad at basketball, too,” she said in an interview with Fast Company

I guess that honesty is acceptable when you’re talking to…. an alien version of yourself. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯