
Yes, there are now serums for your bum hole.

In other news, the anal skincare business is booming. From 'hole serums' to specialised exfoliants and creams for the skin between your cheeks, the 'hole care' market is staring us right in the eye — and we're going to need to talk about it. As a matter of urgency.

If you've clicked on this article, it's likely that you're either intrigued or slightly confused about a) what 'hole care' entails, b) if it's something you should be using too, and c) how many poo jokes we can fit into one article.

And friends, in answer to at least one of those questions: A LOT.

But(t) to give it to you straight, we're not just talking about skincare products intended for the cheeks. When it comes to bum care, we're talking about the whole show — between the cheeks and down to the rear portal of the perineal region.

Yes! Skincare for your sphincter.

Watch: Your bum could be the cause of chronic pain. Post continues below.

Video via Mamamia

Of course, the rise in 'hole care' and our obsession with bums is not completely random — it's something that's been knocking on the backdoor for a while now.


As a society, butts have never been more important to us. The peachy behinds of Kim Kardashian, Cardi B and countless other celebrities is nothing new. Nor is it surprising that the world's most popular cosmetic surgery is the Brazilian Butt Lift (aka the BBL).

And our fascination with butts not only stretches across different genders but generations, too.

As anal health expert and surgeon Evan Goldstein said in his book Butt Seriously, anal care has been "gaining momentum across gay and straight communities for years". In a survey he conducted in the US, he found that 74 per cent of Millennials and 70 per cent of Gen Z and X had tried anal intercourse.

With this in mind, it kind of makes sense that we're seeing so many different brands cropping up with skincare products intended specifically for our cheeks and anus.

Take, for example, Future Method, launched by Dr Goldstein himself. The brand, which offers a string of anal pre-play accessories and products — including soothing creams and exfoliants — is all about making the humble brown eye look, feel and smell rather... ~special~.

There's also brands like Asset, who's doctor-developed Hole Serum is used to soothe stressed anal skin and improve overall skin health and appearance. Notably, Chad Connell, the creator of Asset, also launched a bidet brand called Whisper, with the tagline: "If you poop in a bowl, rinse your hole". Genius.


But back to Asset. Touted on the website as: "The first brand dedicated to optimal butt health, hygiene, and assthetics", you'll also find a recommendation from a dermatologist by the name of Reza Kafi on the use of the brand's famous Hole Serum.

As Dr Kafi writes, "Hole Serum has a fantastic ingredient profile for soothing anal irritations and nourishing this highly sensitive and delicate skin. I recommend it to anyone looking to improve their anal skin health."

And Dr Kafi, sir, pls.

The question is this: Do we really need to feel s**t about our bum holes when we already have so much other stuff we're made to feel s**t about? Is it really necessary?

As Dr Goldstein told Allure, "It's all well and good that we're putting products into the space. But the reality is we just need to teach appropriate hygiene."

Seems like a fair call, no?

Mamamia spoke to Professor Deshan Sebaratnam of Liverpool Hospital and asked him if 'hole care' really is the final feather in our skincare cap.

He simply told us, "'Hole care' is not necessary. You do not need specialised products for anal skincare."

A total party pooper, we know.

On the booming market of bum brands, he said, "I think as our values change towards practices like sending nudes or anal sex, people are becoming more aware of what their perianal skin looks like. This is leading to rise in interest around 'hole care'."


But the skincare. Specifically, the 'doctor-developed' hole serum. Are our collective holes in any need of it?

"Anal hydrating serums are never necessary. Your rectum produces its own mucous naturally," said Professor Sebarathnam.

So, no you don't need to buy a 'hole serum' for $47.60 USD.

The only instance you'd maybe look at butt care products, Professor Sebarathnam said, would be, "Not for the perianal skin, but for the skin of the buttocks," adding, "gentle exfoliants (e.g. AHAs, benzoyl peroxide) may have a small role for those who get pimples or folliculitis."

According to Professor Deshan, when it comes to the proper care of your starfish, it simply means keeping this area as healthy and hygienic as possible. "Basic hygiene is the most important thing, there's no need for additional skin care products."

"After defecating, wipe or use water to remove faecal matter from the anus."

Now, if your brain is still trying to register the fact that we've just told you how to wipe your own ass, the fact is, a dry 4-ply square of toilet paper can only do so much for a dirty bum.

Unless you're sporting a fancy bidet on your porcelain throne or step into a shower after every stool sesh — chances are, you may not be keeping things as clean as you might think.


So, as our expert goes on to note, just make sure you're cleaning your bum thoroughly but not aggressively and you should be fine. Also, just don't use anything weird or spicy in the form of skincare — your tailpipe does not need to be introduced to AHAs. Not even a little bit.

"The perianal area transitions from normal skin to bowel lining without keratin for protection so don't apply anything too harsh around the anus," said Professor Deshan.

"The perianal skin is still skin. Skin diseases like eczema, contact dermatitis, psoriasis, lichen sclerosis and even skin cancer can affect the perianal skin. If you have any concerns, seek the advice of your GP or a specialist dermatologist."

So, there you have it. 'Hole care' isn't really all it's cracked up to be.

What do you think of the 'hole care' trend'? Share with us in the comment section below.

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