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nel April 24, 2024

This took me back to the awful, awful night when my first son was born. He’s just turned 15, and it’s still incredibly painful to think about. 

nel February 16, 2024

I was preparing to read this article full of judgement and was proven completely wrong. I’m a “Veteran Mum” (kids are 15, 13 and 9) so the baby days are far behind me and this article is actually excellent. Best of luck with your impending birth, baby & the journey of motherhood. 

nel January 16, 2024

Damaging your relationship with your mother in law is not worth saying anything. You will use them for such a short amount of time, honestly you blink and your kids are teenagers & the hangers are a distant memory. Also, those hangers while ugly are so useful, it’s actually hard hanging up baby clothes because they slip off the hangers. Just be kind, say thank you, and close the cupboard door so you don’t have to look at them.

nel December 13, 2023

Guy says he’s funny - he’s not that funny. Guy says he’s super hot - he’s not that good looking. Can we just cancel this guy already? 

nel September 8, 2023

And yet another reason I am so glad I kept my career. I have three sons, aged 14, 12 and 8. I feel this pull away with my two elder boys and I’m relishing the youth of my youngest, but at the same time I’m excited how every step of independence for them means a little more ability to work expand and improve my career. Im travelling a lot for work now, and my husband and I already have our eyes on employment opportunities overseas in our 50s once our youngest leaves school. I loved being a Mum of little ones, I’m loving the juggle and complexity of teens and tweens, and I can’t wait to be the mother of independent men & be in the position of being able to really sink my teeth into a few amazing career roles before I retire & hopefully get to do it all over again (albeit a bit different) with grandchildren.

nel August 29, 2023

@random dude au if this was a man treating a partner this way he would be an abuser despite his disabilities. Disabilities are a reason however abuse is abuse. This woman is in a domestic violent relationship with her son. 

nel August 28, 2023

I wear a Garmin Forunner 245 which is a big black block with no fancy bands and I have never considered taking it off based on someone else’s opinion. Like, do what you want, but it’s my watch, it how I tell time without burying my face in my phone, and I’m not taking it off. I can’t believe this is an article and people are so ok judging what other people wear.

nel July 11, 2023

@mamamia-user-482898552 the thing I keep hearing from my friends in these situations is that it was equal division of home labour until a baby came into the mix. I’ve always worked (save a few months of maternity leave) however I find that with my friends who have been SAHMs their partners finish work and just “clock off” for the day. They come home and expect to chill out and relax, whereas parenting responsibilities don’t end & chores continue to need to be done. The men seem to think that as the breadwinner their “job” finished when they left the office/job site whereas their partners aren’t finished their “job” & that isn’t their problem. For my husband and I, we both work full time, and I earn significantly more, so when we get home that’s when we both kick into parenting and housekeeping mode - usually with him doing more than me because I work longer hours due to my work responsibilities. Case in point - I’m writing this response at the office (while my computer is downloading new software & rebooting) and he is at home with 3 kids cooking nachos.

nel June 30, 2023

@summer agreed. Also, even those with similar incomes aren’t all in such a privileged position. I earn a similar amount but I’m the main breadwinner for my 3 kids and husband - it doesn’t go very far over 5 people. Also - Calling in sick and rocking up with new hair the following a day is a big no-no in most professional situations. I’d definitely question my staff if they did this, and wouldn’t model this behaviour myself either.

nel May 25, 2023

Good grief, find some other friends. Everyone is unrelatable to people with different priorities, it doesn’t matter what the priorities are.

nel May 12, 2023

I have controls on my son’s phone. He has three hours per day between 7am and 7pm. If he wants more than that he can ask which I sometimes consent to, such as if he’s going to a sleepover or working late. Otherwise that’s it. He is also blocked off all social media and YouTube.

nel February 18, 2023

As a woman in my 40s I read Teresa’s beauty recommendations religiously but this just looks like she’s wearing greasy sunscreen.