User Comments

that girl September 15, 2023

@pippa I hear you. I am currently doing my Masters in Policy and Governance. I have been studying this issue for a couple of years. The ‘yes’ crew likes to fob off any concerns with the referendum as fear mongering, or refer to us as “right wing nut jobs”. On the fringe of both sides, there are extreme elements. However, there is a massive proportion of No voters who are thoughtful, educated and caring people. This isn’t a vote for or against aboriginal people. Everyone wants to see our fellow citizens succeed in life. We are voting no because it is bad policy. The unintended consequences will reveal themselves as time goes on if this referendum gets up. The buyer’s remorse from the well intentioned yes voters will be real. 

that girl September 14, 2023


If you look at the one page Uluṟu Statement, it very clearly states that the intention is to culminate in “Makarrata”, which means treaty. Actually the term Makarrata means to spear the enemy in the leg so they can no longer hunt. The PM also committed to Voice Truth Treaty when he won the election. To negotiate a national treaty, you need a national body to negotiate with - which is the voice. Treaty and reparations/compensation are absolutely one of the many goals of the Voice.
If you look beyond the left leaning media outlets, you will see many, many constitutional experts raising red flags about the voice approach. I have personally listened to a Supreme Court Judge speak on this. It is quite alarming.