User Comments

v123 April 6, 2024

I wonder how the diddy stuff will impact her.

v123 October 10, 2023

All I can think is the many indicators over the years that Gwyneth is suffering from an eating disorder (and sadly it's so normalised by diet culture/wellness culture). But this is a lesser known sign of an ED...watching food videos, looking through recipe books and preparing food for others without eating it (your reward being smelling the food while restricting it). This coming from a trauma/ED therapist and I think it's extremely sad.

v123 August 30, 2023

As a parent of an adult child, I have paid for the "quiet zone" and it was worth of every penny. I would also pay for an "adults only" every single flight if it was an option. Every👏single👏flight👏

v123 August 17, 2023

I'm assuming people aren't also attacking or making demands of Tim McGraw🙄 Not that any of the actor/actresses deserve that but as usual,  the woman is attacked. 

v123 August 15, 2023

Thank you for sharing your story. Your body is not the problem... the anti-fat bias in the environment is. 

v123 July 26, 2023

100 percent agree with the writer. This👏is👏not👏a👏gender👏neutral👏process👏 And naming it shouldn't be politically incorrect or cause backlash 🙄 That is ridiculous.

v123 April 27, 2023

I've struggled with PMDD for years and feel SEEN by this article. Two weeks of every single month is hell...suicidal thoughts, anxiety, insomnia, depression, severe fatigue. My other two weeks I feel like my real self- grounded, happy, energy. My grandma and mother experienced the same and had massive relief when menopause came. What's helped is anti-depressants, pilates and lowering expectations of myself during the luteal phase. Like LOWER them big time. Anyway, I'm sending so much compassion to other people experiencing this. 

v123 April 12, 2023

I used to work at a non profit with children who experienced SA. ALL the perpetrators had great character references....coaches, paediatricians, lawyers who "would never do that". People need to understand, just because you have a good relationship with someone doesn't rule them out as abusers. 

v123 March 28, 2023

As an American with the privilege of living in Australia, I can't explain the sigh of relief when I could send my daughter to school in a place that has actual gun legislation. I remember sending her to school each day in the USA and always having in the back of my mind that she might not come home that day:( I fear the USA will never change this. My heart is with the victims and my rage is with the politicians.

v123 March 16, 2023

@aussiegirl You've clearly missed the whole point of this article and anyone else voicing concerns. It's not about whether she looks good or that people "hate" her. It's that she is glorifying her eating disorder on a huge platform repeatedly to an often impressionable young audience. As a trauma and ED  therapist, I can tell you that eating disorders are deadly. The latest stat I've seen is that every 52 minutes someone dies from their eating disorder. Gwyneth is literally describing Anorexia Nervosa...starvation and restriction...dressed up as "wellness".  And while she has the privilege to access necessary treatments, many people across the world do not. Also PS, many people stay stuck in their ED because they're praised for "looking great". 

v123 February 23, 2023

I had my daughter when I was 17 so I'm at this stage now (her 20 and me in my 30s). I've never known adulthood without being a participant parent so it's an odd feeling- sadness, grief, excitement...all rolled into one. 

v123 December 9, 2022

I have one daughter (now 20) and I've loved it (though I heard all the same comments about not spoiling her or that she'll be lonely). The reality is we're quite close because my attention doesn't need shared, she's surrounded by friends and family and I loved not being stressed with multiple kids or sibling rivalry/conflict. It gets old...women are shamed for anything. Too many kids, not enough kids, why didn't you have kids. Ugh.

v123 October 6, 2022

2/2: Research is clear...intentional weight loss (dieting) leads to weight regain (plus more) within 2-5 years for most people and this weight cycling is terrible for our health. Doctors need to catch up....and offer weight neutral medical care. I've had many clients weight shamed instead of getting the treatment needed. I've also had clients suffering from raging eating disorders but go years without proper care because they're in a bigger body. 

v123 October 6, 2022

1/2 comment: This is unfortunately the weight stigma within our medical system. Necessary treatments withheld, doctors making assumptions about behaviour based on weight (how many thin people eat terrible, never exercise, smoke, have high stress but they're not judged the same way), using an outdated and useless tool like the BMI (check out episode about this on podcast Maintenance Phase).