User Comments

madelines October 28, 2022

@mamamia-user-482898552 this is hugely inaccurate. To be recognised as a certificate 3 trained educator there is a high level of training required as well as multiple placement days. Then diploma trained educators undergo a whole other level of education and training. Many educators go on to complete teaching degrees, which clearly denotes the close relationship between these two professions and unfortunately there are many educators who do their degree simply to "prove" they are knowledgeable to those around them that make similar remarks to those you have made. Many teachers look to and work with the experienced early childhood professionals around them to prepare children effectively enough to be able to confidently reach learning outcomes at school.

Please be respectful of the early education sector, we know how hard our educators work and that they do deserve higher pay.

madelines October 28, 2022

@mamamia-user-482898552 this is hugely inaccurate. To be recognised as a certificate 3 trained educator there is a high level of training required as well as multiple placement days. Then diploma trained educators undergo a whole other level of education and training. Many educators go on to complete teaching degrees, which clearly denotes the close relationship between these two professions and unfortunately there are many educators who do their degree simply to “prove” they are knowledgeable to those around them that make similar remarks to those you have made. Many teachers look to and work with the experienced early childhood professionals around them to prepare children effectively enough to be able to confidently reach learning outcomes at school. 

Please be respectful of the early education sector, we know how hard our educators work and that they do deserve higher pay.