User Comments

melbarn1 December 20, 2022

Thank you SOOO much for this article!  It's on point and FINALLY people are seeing the disgraceful prejudice against BOTH Meghan and Harry! These types of stories calling out the disgraceful behaviour of many men need to be more mainstream, because I guarantee, most women do NOT agree with Clarkson's rubbish. 

melbarn1 January 12, 2022

@katey Mum of seven here - and this is the advice I always give too, but also - when you sit in your bed after you have given birth, holding that beautiful bub - it is the best feeling you will ever have!  Enjoy every minute and let the rest sort itself out.

melbarn1 October 31, 2021

As a mum of seven sons, aged 12 - 28 I resonate with the awkwardness of young men, and their need to be perpetually busy, they have a zest for activity and were forever roping a sibling in to come and burn off some steam with them.  They are incredibily honest - I have been treated to opinions and comments that just erupt from their mouths, with no forethought or consideration of the implications of their words.  But they have equally always had a hug for their mum, albeit one coming from a great height over the top of me these days, and I know they would always be there for me if the chips were down.  Letting them go as they age, has been the hardest lesson, but the pride of watching them find their own path, has equally filled me with joy as their mother.  I am the oft pitied mother of all boys, but, as other boy mums would agree, we are truly the lucky ones - and we wouldn't change a thing.