User Comments

ocio March 2, 2024

Very impressive cooking. I don’t know why people don’t just call themselves foodies — what has being a wife got to do with it? Most of those recipes take a long time. I.e There aren’t many breads you can just “whip up” for the whims of a toddler. Also Italians manually press and massage mince for ragù with their hands to remove the “squiggly” bits — they don’t break it up in the pot. Pesto in the blender is also a big no-no —the mortar and pestle would be even more trad-wife! :P

ocio February 15, 2024

Interesting but pretty sure JLo and the Hadid homes aren't valued anywhere near $1.3 billion... 

ocio July 7, 2023

I’d hazard a guess that you may be missing the point here.

The trailers indicate it is a send up of the from-the-root platinum blonde, ultra-Americana tradition that is Barbie — and probably a critique of Mattel’s “you can be everything” message while paradoxically always having the blonde as the lead. 

ocio March 13, 2022

Dear Clare,

I’m sorry to read that you feel this way.

The reality is fewer people are getting married and having children in our society and there is probably less pressure than ever before. 

If you were a seventeen year old 100+ years ago, and indeed it continues in many of the world even today, your family would be actively searching for your future husband.

The reality is, young women like you have never had as much freedom and choice. It may not seem that way right now, but the world is truly yours for the taking — make what you want of it.

Social media serves us a somewhat skewed view of society. There is a lot of money in marketing to mothers so if you scroll Instagram  it may seem as though the world revolves around procreation and babies.

Implicitly, it does, but this nouveau fertility worship is  not the way everyone lives. There are plenty of women with great and interesting lives who aren’t broadcasting it.

I suggest cutting out all this noise and solely focus on having a good time, being a kid and getting an education.  

I am twice your age and my biggest regrets come from doing what I think society expects. Society will survive and be better for it if you do what you want.

Best of luck